Monday 7 April 2014

Film Trailer Soundtrack(s) Chosen

This is where REAL editing takes place as we now have structured the exposition/opening of the trailer. It was hard to edit without a soundtrack as non diegetic music would create an atmosphere and impact but also help to put place shots taken as this would be synchronised with the sound for more meaning.

Thanks to the efforts of Daniel and our music maestro Lizzie, tracks that linked to our genre of Police Crime Thriller films were found.We mixed many tracks instead of just a single track  for different parts of the trailer. The Mechanolith track was put over the build-up and plot of our trailer - adding the right bounce and suspense to what is needed. An untitled track will be used for the action sequences of our trailer with it's melody and drive to, when the volume is lifted slightly, carrying the fast-paced running shots we'll have at the climax.

We're plan to use Dense Macabre - Low Strings Finale/denouement from (website) for the final stages of the trailer, probably timed with some titles and the film's name. Now that we've got the footage and the soundtracks, we can finally get things put together properly. As a team we are really pleased with the music found and glad as the patience while searching was worth it.

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