Monday 21 April 2014

Evaluation Question 1A Part 1

Transcript This is question 1A. How my media ancillary products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? For my ancillary task, a film poster and film magazine were produced. Our genre was police crime thriller and my products do use develop and challenge real media product conventions. The analysis of film magazine front covers and film posters aided me in creating products that resemble real media and not looks as if it was made by a student. For example, I had taken some of the ideas from the Empire magazine which featured the skyfall film as its main image and sell line. This was replicated in my magazine front cover as I had the character in position as the main sell image along with the sell line that is the film’s title – Playing Judas. This was not so much a me too strategy but a basis on what I wanted the magazine to sell and is my own innovation as I took this layout and put in my own touch. The idea of following real media texts came from the readership figures of Empire and total film which showed that their audience was mostly males of 15 – 34 years old. These specific mainstream film magazines were followed due to the fact that my magazine target audience was the same and so by having a similar layout the magazine could get a similar appeal. Therefore you could call my front cover a pastiche as it is very similar to these real media texts which were imitated because of their success. Other layout features include a barcode, issue number and price tag to give the general look and feel of a magazine as these are the layout conventions along with being portrait. I developed forms and conventions by adding a QR code in which real media texts have rarely placed. This gives a more modernised magazine as the world of print work and digital can synergize due to the fact of web 2.0 being more of an interactive place. The QR code would allow the customer access even more content available, and so may suggest another reason why costumers should buy the magazine as more content would be available in a different platform – the online magazine world. What could I have done to improve my film magazine front cover? To make the film more explicit in its genre I could have added a badge to signify his job as although he wears a suit, it can only suggested that he is a policeman and so could go into other genres such as the crime where mafia members wear suits and hold power through just holding a gun. I did try to find a badge but found it hard to decide on one as our film is set in Britain but there were only limited images and access and time to get a badge that would typically represent Britain and so I decided not to have a badge.

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