Sunday 27 April 2014

Note to Readers

Tabs have been added to categorise posts into certain parts of the coursework produced

Research and Planning in particular has played a major role meaning that many more posts are available - to view these early research and planning posts click older posts at the bottom of the research and planning page.

Monday 21 April 2014

Evaluation Question 1A Part 2

Transcript Another factor would be the narrative of the film where the detective goes out of the law to find justice and so would give up his badge in the process. Furthermore I received feedback from teachers who consume film magazines and gave me pointers to make it suit real life conventions such as the name which explicitly shows that it is magazine for films. Making a poster was harder than making a magazine front cover because of fewer restrictions that I had to follow. However I did gain some idea from the Wolverine where his weapons (claws) are close to him. I had the character position like this to show his power through the way he holds the gun as if he holds all the power. A white background is used to suggest the purity he holds as well, this was taken from the analysis of the Robocop poster which gives off the same effect, when I finalised my poster I received positive feedback from both my peers and supervisors saying that ‘it’s simplicity is effective’ which makes it an poster comparable with real texts like American beauty although different in genre, tries to give a single image as much meaning as possible. The tagline, character position and film title complement each other as the character is positioned with only half of his face shown which links to tagline as it would suggest a different side to the character while the title Playing Judas, through its religious reference would suggest that the character may also be only imitating a betrayal in order to be the good guy. This is what makes my poster effective as not much is given in which early release posters do but it would allow the consumer to have a high power of suggestion and lead them to be intrigued by the poster and cause them to learn more about the film, ending up watching it.